Group Of Friends Meeting For Lunchtime Drinks In Traditional English Pub

A speaker’s accent or dialect may trigger ethnic, regional, or social recognition.

The listener may identify the ethnicity of the speaker through language characteristics, such as phonological or gratnmatical contrasts, and ascribe a status level according to the stereotypes associated with that particular ethnic group

(Cargiie, 2(K)2; Cargile & Giles. 1998; Kalin, Rayko. & Love, 1980; Singer & Eder, 1989).

Researchers have found thai individuals with the accent of the majority or dominant group are consid- ered to be of the highesi status and level of competence. When the speaker was con- sidered to be ol equal status or competitive with the majority group, such as a speaker with a British or Asian accent, the status and ettiployahility ratings increased

(Cargile, 2000; Cargile & Giles, 1998; Giles & Sassoon. 1983; Leong & Hayes. 1990).

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